Imagination / visualisation for dummies. Well, all of us.

Visualisation doesn’t have to be visual.
It’s another word for deeply imagining something.
You might be more wired to other sense, kinesthetic (touch / feel) or audio.

– I’ve never seen ‘audio-alisation’ written down before, but as it happens, for most of my life I couldn’t SEE images in my head with any real clarity, but I could remember and create sounds in my imagination in a lot of depth and detail.
(These days my visual, audio and kinesthetic imagination are all pretty good, you can get better at all of them!)

So figure out where your natural comfort zone is, are you mainly visual, aural or do you remember how things feel really well. (Kinesthetic.)
To figure yourself out, just try remembering a good time, something fun, which aspects come to you most easily?
Do you remember still images, something more like a film, people’s voices, other sounds, how you felt at the time, how the chair you were sitting on felt?

Try ‘visualising’ (leading with which ever sense comes most naturally) a fun scenario that hasn’t taken place YET.
Create the scene.
Now exaggerate the various aspects, make the sounds louder, turn the colours up brighter. Make the film run in double speed, deepen and turn up the feelings.
Imagine a dial to the right of the picture, use it to manipulate these different parts of the ‘scene’.

– this idea is from NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming.)
They call the various aspects ‘SUBMODALITIES’

Visualising, as opposed to just remembering, is a creative activity that’s really important.
It allows to construct ideas for a our future not just based on our past experience.
