Run a live entertainment business? GUESS WHAT? You can get better paid bookings!
Sales Negotiation Prep Sheet
Sell your entertainment acts with confidence and get paid more for your work

Do you feel like you could be getting paid more for your acts or performances, but when it comes to actually negotiating you feel a bit, well, lost?
Download this FREE prep sheet to make sure you:
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Why you need this!
You're a performer who's responsible for negotiating their own fees, and frankly, you've never had any help figuring out how to do that. All you know is you actually need to be paid more, and you've put in so much work you deffo deserve it.
You run a larger entertainment company, you've got mouths to feed! A massive part of your work is negotiating on your acts behalf, and you've always secretly felt like you're winging it! You still get that queazy feeling in your stomach when you start a new conversation with a booker and when you do land the booking, you walk away thinking you should have asked for more. And what's worse, you then have to try and get performers onboard for money you might have rejected yourself!
... and whichever situation you're in, you don’t know how to change it.

Hi! I'm John Blackburn
I help live entertainment companies get more BETTER PAID bookings, without hustling all day.
I've worked as musician, musical director, manager and coach within entertainment since I was 17, and through all that noticed a few things missing from people's attempts at running their live entertainment business. This PDF guide addresses one of those - lack of confidence and certainty around getting the fee they want for their acts and shows.